Kuelap helps
cooperatives and SMEs grow successfully

Kuelap provides transparent, real-time and secure digital cooperative platform services by combining cloud-native technology to help MSMEs grow better.

Our mission is to serve and help Cooperatives & MSMEs in the world by providing effective and affordable digital financial services.

History Notes Kuelap

Grameen Technology

The team first gathered at the Grameen Technology Center in 2005. At Grameen, we articulated our vision and created software for group lending on the principle of joint responsibility. Our system was first adopted by Cooperative Finance in Grameen Koota India, which has increased its member base from 25,000 borrowers to 1,000,000.

Mifos Initiative

Subsequently, we established the Mifos Initiative to build and implement a Core Banking System for cooperative financial services. From 2011 - 2017 we have served 245 institutions, with a total of 6 million members in 37 countries.

Kuelap, Inc

In 2017 we founded Kuelap to build a stronger digital platform for cooperative financial services. We provide these platforms along with digital transformation programs to ensure the sustainability and success of the cooperative. Our solution has served  village new cooperatives in Cameroon and cooperatives in Indonesia, and continues to grow nationally.

Team Kuelap

Kuelap is led by an international team of experienced top executives from all over the world.


Craig Chelius


Throughout his career from 1988 to the present, Craig Chelius is known as...

Dimas A. Yudhistira

Chief Commercial Officer

Dimas Yudhistira brings more than 20 years...

Aditya Eka Riandi

Chief of Technology and Product Officer

Rian is a seasoned technology leader with...

Paul Maritz

Director & Chairman

After 14 years of career from 1986 - 2000, Paul Maritz, a retired from Microsoft...

Lisa Nelson

Director & Strategic Advisor

Lisa Nelson has worked for 25 years as a senior executive, specifically as a corporate...


Craig Chelius

Director & CEO

Throughout his career from 1988 to the present, Craig Chelius is known as...

Enjoy Service
Digital Cooperative Platform
Integrated, Real-Time
dan Safety.

Craig Chelius

Throughout his career from 1988 to the present, Craig Chelius is known as a strategic marketing genius, who has helped many companies grow more rapidly through the strategies he has designed. In addition, due to his interest in financial services and the banking industry, Craig has spent 10 years of his career improving financial and banking services. His mission was successful, for the past five years, Craig as Co-Founder of Kuelap has succeeded in transforming banking to help make it easier for business people to run their business finances digitally. Craig’s contribution to the world of finance has been seen before joining the Grameen Foundation, such as being the Co-Founder of Primus Knowledge Solutions, Vital Strategist, Protelus Corporation, and Mifos Initiative.

Dimas A. Yudhistira
Chief Commercial Officer

With 20 years of experience in banking finance, business development, financial technology, sales and marketing in his role as Chief Commercial Officer at Kuelap Indonesia. An expert in microfinance institutions, Dimas believes in the potential of small businesses to make a major impact on Indonesia’s growing economy.

As CCO, Dimas drives revenue by spearheading partnerships and introducing creative business to business strategies across departments. With his background in public finance and peer-to-peer (P2P) lending, Dimas partners with banks, microfinance institutions (MFIs), marketing platforms, and government agencies to connect more microfinance institutions with Kuelap’s digital technology products.

Aditya Eka Riandi
Chief of Technology and Product Officerr

Rian is a seasoned technology leader with a passion for driving innovation by integrating design and software development. With a diverse background spanning various domains, He brings a wealth of experience.
His expertise lies in effectively managing and optimizing multiple divisions within organizations. From product management to development, user experience, quality assurance, and reporting, He specializes in identifying opportunities for improvement and implementing strategic initiatives to unleash the full potential of each department.
In dynamic environments, He excels at navigating complexities and leading teams toward success. By fostering a culture of innovation and efficiency, He ensures that every division operates at its peak performance. Through proactive leadership and a hands-on approach, He drives tangible results and fosters continuous improvement, positioning the organization for sustained growth and success.

Paul Maritz
Director & Chairman

After 14 years of career from 1986 – 2000, Paul Maritz, a retired from Microsoft, is better known as a technology visionary and cloud initiator. Starting out because of his interest in the world of technology investment, Paul is also known as an angel investor among the software business and has supported many startup companies to be able to develop further. In addition, throughout his career in the technology world, Paul has contributed to various companies as CEO of PI Corp and VMware from 2003 – 2012. In fact, for the last 9 years, Paul has served as the founder and CEO of Pivotal Software, a company that focuses on on software technology development in the cloud era. His love for the world of technology continues to this day, at Kuelap Indonesia, Paul serves as director and chairman. 

Lisa Nelson
Director & Strategic Advisor

Lisa Nelson has worked for 25 years as a senior executive, specifically as a corporate adviser at various fortune500 companies. For more than 2 decades, thanks to her insight, expertise and experience in the technology industry and the financial sector, she has been able to bring Lisa to develop various valuable perspectives in her working environment on digital transformation, business growth strategy, risk management for complex environments to capital allocation. In addition, Lisa’s experience has not only helped start-ups but up to multi-national companies. In contributing to her career, Lisa is also known as a leader at Microsoft for 14 years, even Lisa as the founder who founded a Microsoft subsidiary called Microsoft Ventures (M12). Aside from being a corporate adviser, in the field of finance Lisa is known as a professional financial expert with CPA and SEC qualifications.